b"5mil A 1-99PlasticPage 345 Stock 12x18 Pennant Streamers C 100-599Size # of1 10 50 100 200 500pennants30' 12 $6.32 $5.75 $5.17 $3.73 $3.45 $3.1660' 24 $10.35$9.77 $8.91 $6.32 $6.04 $5.17105' 48 $16.10 $14.95 $13.80 $9.54 $9.20 $8.16Multicolored30 60 105U0869 U0871 U0701White, Red & Blue Blue & White Red & Blue30 60 105 30 60 105 30 60 105U0669 U0671 U0703 U0689 U0691 U0705 U0795 U0797 U0707Red Red & White Red & Orange30 60 105 30 60 105 30 60 105U0673 U0675 U0709 U0779 U0781 U0711 U0799 U0855 U0713Red & Yellow Red & Green Blue & Green30 60 105 30 60 105 30 60 105U0677 U0679 U0715 U0783 U0785 U0717 U0857 U0859 U0719Blue Blue & Orange Blue & Yellow30 60 105 30 60 105 30 60 105U0681 U0683 U0721 U0787 U0789 U0723 U0861 U0863 U0725Streamers Orange Orange & White Green & Yellow Page 27230 60 105 30 60 105 30 60 105Make Your Own Colored Triangle Pennant Streamers U0685 U0687 U0727 U0791 U0793 U0729 U0865 U0867 U0731A I S D V E R T I D C N G P R O U T SHow To Order?Choose Length & Size From The Pricing Table When you are ready to order Example:provide us with the item #602 color streamer codes for both length/shapewith 9x12 pink & white and all the colors chosen.pennants = U0827-AHChoose Up to 3 ColorsStandard Colors Available: Fluorescent Colors AvailableWhite 108c 123c 021c 032c 186c 193c 224c 801c 802c 803c 804c 806c 808c 814cItem # Item # Item # Item # Item # Item # Item # Item # Item # Item # Item # Item # Item # Item # Item #-A -B -C -D -E -F -G -H -T -U -V -W -x -Y -ZMagenta 347c 195c 222c 267c 287c 281c BlackItem # Item # Item # Item # Item # Item # Item # Item #-I -J -K -L -M -N -O -P5mil 5milPlastic PlasticPage 345 Semi-Stock Pennant Streamers A Page 345 Semi-Stock Fluorescent Pennant Streamers A152 1 color Alternating Alternating Size # of Pennant1 10 50 Weight 1 color Alternating Alternating Size # of Pennant1 10 50 WeightStreamer 2 color3 color Pennants Size Streamer 2 color3 color Pennants Sizestreamer streamer streamer streamerU0801 U0819 U0837 30 24 6x18 $6.90 $6.44 $5.98 0.83lbs U0901 U0919 U0937 30 24 6x18 $20.70 $19.32 $17.94 0.83lbsU0803 U0821 U0839 60 50 6x18 $11.50 $10.81 $9.89 0.6lbs U0903 U0921 U0939 60 50 6x18 $34.50 $32.43 $29.67 0.6lbsU0805 U0823 U0841 105 95 6x18 $16.10 $14.95 $13.80 1.64lbs U0905 U0923 U0941 105 95 6x18 $48.30 $44.85 $41.40 1.64lbsU0807 U0825 U0843 30 18 9x12 $6.90 $6.44 $5.98 0.41lbs U0907 U0925 U0943 30 18 9x12 $20.70 $19.32 $17.94 0.41lbsU0809 U0827 U0845 60 36 9x12 $11.50 $10.81 $9.89 0.8lbs U0909 U0927 U0945 60 36 9x12 $34.50 $32.43 $29.67 0.8lbsU0811 U0829 U0847 105 63 9x12 $16.10 $14.95 $13.80 2.18lbs U0911 U0929 U0947 105 63 9x12 $48.30 $44.85 $41.40 2.18lbsU0813 U0831 U0849 30 12 12x18 $6.90 $6.44 $5.98 0.41lbs U0913 U0931 U0949 30 12 12x18 $20.70 $19.32 $17.94 0.41lbsU0815 U0833 U0851 60 24 12x18 $11.50 $10.81 $9.89 0.3lbs U0915 U0933 U0951 60 24 12x18 $34.50 $32.43 $29.67 0.3lbsU0817 U0835 U0853 105 48 12x18 $16.10 $14.95 $13.80 1.66lbs U0917 U0935 U0953 105 48 12x18 $48.30 $44.85 $41.40 1.66lbs"