b'Stitching Style C Stitching Style DFlag Finishing: Double stitching on top and bottom with 6 rows ofFlag Finishing: Double stitching on top and bottom with 6 rows of stitching on fly end with 1.25 double folded ends, 5.5 double backstitching on fly end with 1.5 double folded ends, 5.5 double back tacking on top and bottom, 1.5 double back tacking on fly end tacking on top and bottom, 1.5 double back tacking on fly end, zigzag stiching on first and last row of stitching on entire fly end, 6 of zigzag Header Sewing:2 rows of lock stiching entire length of header stitching on top and bottom, inverse L tracking bar in both cornersHeader Sewing:6 rows of lock stitching entire length of header, plastic reinforcement sleeve is attached at each grommet locationStitching Style E Stitching Style FFlag Finishing: Double stitching on top and bottom with 6 rows ofFlag Finishing:Double stitching on top and bottom with 6 rows of stitching on fly end with 1.5 double folded ends, 5.5 double backstitching on fly end with 1.5 double folded ends, 12 of double zigzag tacking on top and bottom, 1.5 double back tacking on fly end, zigzagstitching on top and bottom, 1.5 double back tacking on fly end,zigzag stiching on first and last row of stitching on entire fly end, 6 of zigzagstiching on first and last row of stitching on entire fly end and inverse U stitching on top and bottom, inverse L tracking bar in both corners tracking bar in both cornersHeader Sewing: 6 rows of lock stitching entire length of header, plasticHeader Sewing: 6 rows of lock stitching entire length of header, plastic reinforcement sleeve is attached at each grommet location reinforcement sleeve is attached at each grommet locationStitching Style G Stitching Style HF L A G F I N I S H I N GFlag Finishing: Double stitching on top and bottom with 6 rows ofFlag Finishing: Double stitched on top and bottom with 8 rows of stitching on fly end with 1.5 double folded ends, 12 of double zigzagstitching on fly end with 2 double folded ends, 12 of double zigzag stitching on top and bottom, 1.5 double back tacking on fly end,zigzagstitching on top and bottom, 1.5 double back tacking on fly end,zigzag stiching on first and last row of stitching on entire fly end and inverse Ustiching on first and last row of stitching on entire fly end and inverse U tracking bar in both corners tracking bar in both cornersHeader Sewing: 8 rows of lock stitching entire length of header, plasticHeader Sewing: 8 rows of lock stitching entire length of header, plastic reinforcement sleeve is attached at each grommet location reinforcement sleeve is attached at each grommet locationMaterials: Nylon, wPoly, Silk Poly and Canvas Poly Materials: ePolyFlag Size Header Size Grommets Thimbles Recommended Stitching Syle Flag Size Header Size Grommets Thimbles Recommended Stitching Syle12"x18" 1.5" 2 - Style A 4"x6" SF to fit pole - - style 116"x24" 1.5" 2 - Style B 6"x9" SF to fit pole - - style 120"x30" 1.5" 2 - Style B 8"x12" SF to fit pole - - style 12\'x3\' 1.5" 2 - Style B 12"X18" SF to fit pole - - style 12.5\'x4\' 1.5" 2 - Style B 12"x18" 1.5" 2 - Style 13\'x5\' 1.5" 2 - Style B 16"x24" 1.5" 2 - Style 14\'x6\' 1.5" 2 - Style B 20"x30" 1.5" 2 - Style 15\'x8\' 1.5" 2 - Style C 2\'x3\' 1.5" 2 - Style 16\'x10\' 2" 2 - Style C 2.5\'x4\' 1.5" 2 - Style 18\'x12\' 2" 1 2 Style D 3\'x5\' 1.5" 2 - Style 110\'x15\' 2" 1 2 Style E 4\'x6\' 1.5" 2 - Style A 34910\'x19\' 2" 1 2 Style E 5\'x8\' 1.5" 2 - Style A12\'x18\' 2" 1 2 Style E 6\'x10\' 2" 2 - Style A15\'x25\' 2" 3 2 Style F20\'x30\' 3" 3 2 Style G20\'x38\' 3" 3 2 Style G25\'x40\' 3" 5 2 Style H30\'x50\' 3" 5 2 Style H30\'x60\' 3" 5 2 Style H40\'x70\' 3" 7 2 Style H40\'x75\' 3" 7 2 Style H50\'x80\' 3" 9 2 Style H'