b'Size LimitsThere are no size limits or restrictions for most flags or banners. AGAS cancreate anything from a tiny tooth-pick flag to one the size of a football field. Flags over 5 feet on one side will have at least one seam. The production team does its best to seam the flag or banner so that is the seam is hardly noticeable and wont interrupt the graphics. All seams are reinforced to insure durability no matter the size.You can request to have the seams shown on your graphics mock up. Just speak with the graphics designer working on your order.A few products are limited in size by either fabric size or pole size, including but not limited to: car flags, plastic table covers, and non-woven banners. How to Price Non-Standard Sizes Recommended Pole SizesFlags and banners traditionally come in standard sizes but AGAS is ableIn ground:to manufacture any and all sizes. While pricing for non-standard sizes needs to be provided by a sales representative, you can get a generalAbove ground heightFlag sizeidea of the pricing using the pricing provided for the standard sizes. 203x5If the size you needs falls in between two standard sizes, then the254x6estimated cost is the average of those two prices. Example, if you need a305x83x6 flag then refer to the pricing for a 3x5 and a 4x6. If a 3x5 flag costs356x10$50.00 and a 4x6 costs $75.00, the price for a 3x6 will be $62.50.408x12F O F N I Z E S G A L I 458x12If the size you need is above the standard sizes available, then the pricing5010x15is a bit more complicated and it is based on the square footage. If you6012x18need a 20x30 flag, which is 600 sq feet, first find the pricing of a 5x8 flag7015x25(40 square feet). Essentially in a 600 sq foot flag you would get 15, 40 sq8020x30foot flags (600/40=15). Take the price of the 5x8 flag and multiple it by 15. Example, if a 5x8 flag is $125.00 then a 20x30 is about $1875.00.Indoor:Please keep in mind that the examples above are simply estimates andPole sizeFlag sizethe actual price of any non-standard size flag must be provided by a sales representative. As always, AGAS will do its best to work with your72x3budget and find the product that best fits your needs. 83x594x6115x8Standard SizingWhile flags can come in a multitude of sizes depending on your needs, Stock & Semi-Stock Productsthe following is a list of standard sizes AGAS uses for its most commonproducts: Stock products are ones that are produced in advance and held in inventory for immediate shipping.Stock products are already finished * Antenna flag (for non-moving vehicles)- 12x18 and packaged so very few changes can be made to them (stock products * Antenna flag (for moving vehicles)- 4x6 are represented by the black stars in the options charts).* Bike Flags- 12x18382 * Economy Car Flag (for non-moving vehicles)- 12x16 Semi-Stock are unfinished stock products.Semi-Stock flags are available * Garden Flag- 12x18 for most blank and stock designs and have many options for finishing * Golf Flags- 14x20 and packaging.* House flag- 2x3* Motorcycle flags- 6x9 While stock products usually ship within 48 hours, semi-stock products * Premium Car Flag (for moving vehicles)- 10x15.5 require further production and will ship in 2-3 weeks.Rush orders for * Stick flag for desk or table top- 4x6 semi-stock products are usually available. Please speak with your sales * Stick flag for parades and events, for hand waving- 12x18 representative for more information.* USA Flag for funeral- 5x9.5'