b'Flag Shapes:Modern day flags are most commonly designed as rectangular shape and are flown horizontally from a pole or mast.Todays flags are used for identification, advertising or decoration purposes.Historically, flags have been used during military campaigns for messaging and identificationespecially in areas where communication is challenging, like at sea.While some flag shapes are simply decorative, like the oriflamme, many specify the purpose or use for the flag.It is always a good idea to think about where and how your flag is going to be flown before you choose a flag shape.Please speak with one of our sales representatives if you have any questions or need further information.DIe Cut: Die cut refers to a flag or banner that has been cut into a specific shape, usually to fit the graphics.For Example, a flag with a fish printed on it that is cut around the shape of the fish.Die cuts can be the entire flag or just on one edge.While a die cut flag offers a more unique and exciting product, they may not have the same durability as a standard rectangular flag.The die cut shape adds more surface area exposed to the elements and often cannot be reinforced in the same way as a standard flag.Die cutting adds to the price of your flag or banner.Please speak with a sales representative for more information.Rectangular Flag- A flag where the length is longer than the hoist.The most common rectangle ratios are 1:2, 2:3, 3:5 Rectangular or 5:8.This is the traditional shape forGuidon/Swallowtail- A guidon is military most state and national flags. standard used to signify unit designation or Guidon/ corps affiliation. The flag is rectangular with Swallowtail a swallowtail design at the fly end.Nautical signal flags and company merchant house F L A G S H A P E S flags are can also use the guidon shape.Square- A flag with a ratio of 1:1.A few national flags like Switzerland or Vatican City are squares. SquareBurgee- A broad, tapering flag with a Pennant- A flag that is longer at the hoistswallowtail end.Burgee flags are often than on the fly end, especially thoseused as nautical flags and yacht flags to that tapers to a point.Commonly usedidentify the yacht club.The flag of theBurgeeas boats flags and sports memorabilia. State of Ohio is the only USA State flag Pennant Pennant flags were historically the flagsthat is a burgee.that the knights of the Middle Ages placed on the end of a lance when they rode off to war.Fanion- A small triangular flag used for a variety of purposes, such as to represent a head of state or a military Double Pennant- A flag consisting ofunit.Originally carried by soldiers two pennants stacked one on top of theFanion and surveyors as a positional marker.380 other.Double pennant flags are popular for parades and fairs.While not the most common flag shape, there is one national flag in the double pennant shape: Nepal.Double Oriflamme- A long thin pageantry Pennant banner with several points on the Oriflamme fly end.'