b'The icons are: Example Table:Star- The star icon indicates a default option for the product. DIFFERENT OPTIONS w/Custom Header Carda Unless you request a change to the product, your items will be Tip (Wood Pole) Other Color Fringe Individually BaggedSewn Pointed BottomProduction Heat Cut Gold Fringe Custom Tag Times%- The percentage icon indicates an option that is available for 10% an additional charge.A 5% icon is a 5 percent increase to the from the default options may increase the production time.Happy Smiley- Options with a yellow smiley face are options that4x6 a -5% 30% 70% 35% P.148 Gare available at no additional charge. 6x9/ a -5% 30% 70% 30% H8x12 P.148Sad Smiley- The red sad face options are available at no12x18 a -5% 10% 30% 70% 20% Hadditional charge but are not recommended.These options mayP.148not be appropriate for the product and should be reviewed with16x24 a -5% 30% 70% 20% Iproduction before order placement. P.148line 24x36 a -5% 30% 70% 20% P.148 Iavailable for that product, size or style.If you need this option, please speak with your sales representative.Phone- The phone icon is used when the option is available butICONS FOR EACH OPTIONSIZE OR PRODUCTrequires more information in order to price it correctly. For more information or a quote with this option, please speak with your sales representative - 1-866-269-3524.Book- The book icon also contains a page number.Please refer to this page for more information and/or pricing for this option.P.148-20%/see page- These options are a 2 step option.First take -20% the discount indicated, e.g. -20%, then refer to the page number P.183 provided to check for any additional charges.Production time letter- Production time for backorders and custom products are provided starting on page 398.The letter Jextended production discounts.TriangleTriangle w/ #- A blue triangle icon with a digit is for embroidered 4 indicated on the triangle.A triangle with a 4 would be a 4% upcharge.These tables are meant to be a quick reference and are subject to change.Not all options will be available at all times. Always check with your sales representative for availabilities. For additional support or further information please give us a call- 1-866-269-3524.'