b'Custom Fans are pleated or gathered stripes of fabric thatBlank Colorscreate a quarter or half circle.Fans are a popular decoration Full Fan for parties and events as they drape nicely against walls, inWhite 108c 123c 021c 032c 186c 193c 224cPage 300C S A F N O T S U M Item # Item # Item # Item # Item # Item # Item # Item #-A -B -C -D -E -F -G -Hour in-stock colors or choose colors of your own.If you prefer you can print on one or more of your stripes, add an appliqud decal or a printedMagenta 347c 195c 222c 267c 287c 281c Blackcenter.Item # Item # Item # Item # Item # Item # Item # Item #Appliqud decals work well with simple bold designs such as mascots. -I -J -K -L -M -N -O -PThis fan option is popular with sports teams, schools and universities.printed center.The printed center fans are two half fans joined together Any PMSwhatever you need: a company logo, a welcome homeor happyItem #birthday message. Any design is possible. -QCustom Fans Options1.5 Header with (2) 11.5 Header with (4) 1AdditionalGatheredBox Pleated Production Time1.5 Header with (3) 1Custom Sized Sleeve Brass Grommets (Gold) Brass Grommets (Gold) Header/Sleeve (Lay Flat Style)Brass Grommets (Gold) Open At Both EndsHow to order Fans:Step #1: Choose your fan style and the number of stripesStep #2: Choose the color for each stripe.Step #3: Provide your sales rep with the item # for your style and theHalf Fana 1% 3% a 85% CF300 letter code for each stripe. PrintedFull Fan a - a 85% CFExample: PrintedFull Fan a - a - DO4x4 Half fan (right side) with 4 stripes: Purple, Yellow, White, Purple w/EmblemCW835- MBMA Fans w/ a - a 70% DOPrinted centerStandard product % Additional price No additional price- Not Available XXProduction time pg. 398-409'